Aug 7, 2007

Opportunities vs. Difficulties

As a pilot project, TEN faces various difficulties. Its novelty and experimental nature means that TEN hardly fit any pre-established programs required for most housing projects. Not only that TEN has to establish new relationship with the usually restricted financial program, it also has to reestablish new understanding with both the familiar constructional programs and the existing building regulations.

These difficulties have become the creative and productive challenges for TEN. They urge the project to examine all possible alternatives so TEN can become a flexible housing project that is capable of fitting into today’s changing life styles.

The ultimate goal of this project is not to serve only a single group of people. TEN set itself up as an experimental project in search for alternate housing vision.

This also opens doors for possibility. It may provide choice and opportunity for those who are sympathetic to TEN working method and concept. Thus TEN would become the provision of housing suitable to both individual requirement and universal application as well as particular location.

A re-definition of housing orientation as well as the relationship between the design and the client, the community and individual inhabitant, awareness of transforming living patterns and changing family configurations may provide the basis for our individual house transformation.

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